Useful materials for my thesis students
Anomalies data
Global factor data from Jensen, Kelly, and Pedersen: JKPfactors
Open Source Asset Pricing from Chen and Zimmermann includes replications of many other factors: OpenAP
Other factors and portfolios:
Market, size, value, profitability, investment, and momentum: Kenneth R. French
Five factors with hedged portfolios: Kent D. Daniel
Liquidity, mispricing, and 10 anomaly factors: Robert F. Stambaugh
Intermediary capital risk factors: Asaf Manela
Betting against beta, HML devil, quality, and time series momentum: AQR Data Sets
Currency portfolios: Hanno Lustig
Institutional ownership
Workshop on Demand system for asset pricing: Koijen and Yogo
Parsing 13F filings directly from EDGAR:
Macroeconomic data
Jordà-Schularick-Taylor Macrohistory Database: Link
Uncertainty indexes and cay data: Sydney Ludvigson
Useful data sets from Aswath Damodaran
Useful data sets from Will Rinehart
Useful tips for R and Stata
Replicating the Fama-French five factors: Wayne Chang
Converting different date types to Stata format: Link
(I go back to this link often when merging institutional holdings and stock characteristics)